Project 2 ‘Spacial characteristics’ (3)

I’ve been trying to find a deeper meaning to my concept, exploring my theme of nature vs city – Sweden/The Highlands vs London. The world I’m coming from and the world I’m visiting for a brief moment in time. I want something with substance that will communicate my thoughts, feelings and quite frank, my opinions. Until today I’ve found myself stuck and uninspired from basically everything. My brainstorms, lists, sketches, research on global warming, northern lights, climate change, pictures and artists who’ve worked with lights and conceptual art. But I trusted the process and even if it can be enormously frustrating, all of a sudden when you least expect it something will come along.
Like today.

While scrolling through Pinterest I stumbled upon Robert Montgomery. An artist who ”follows a tradition of conceptual art and stands out by bringing a poetic voice to the discourse of text art. Montgomery creates billboard poems, light pieces, fire poems, woodcuts and watercolours.” /Robert Montgomery website
In his art and poems he often use nature as a reference which, for me fits this particular project. As I looked through his work I found two that stood out and resonated with the theme I’m exploring:rm


Questions started to pop up and my inspiration was back! (Always trust the process).
Is nature temporary? Are cities? What will disappear, what is forever? …

While reading his poems I started to interperate the words as in project 1 – ‘Analysis of the written word’ which was very useful for the following process.


Should I leave my personal view on this and just use it as a starting point instead?
Billboard poems
Edinburgh – his connection to Scotland
Visit to Gods Own Junkyard
Limit the amount of sites – Don’t decide yet?


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